What We Do...


International Freight Forwarding

Customs Clearance of Import & Export Cargo

Door To Door Services

Order follow-up tracking systems

Supply chain tracking systems

LCL Consolidation

Conventional and specialized transportation for Heavy Load/ODC project cargo...

Ex- works and end to end solution

for import and export

FCL Forwarding

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Who We Are...






A large number of customers trust our devotion towards speed, flexibility and ingenuity, while managing the services, that we provide. we have developed strong relationships with customers and carriers across the globe and take pride in being one of the most resilient resources in the transportation industry.

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Why Us...






Reliable - Fast on time services

Accurate and Complete timely information

Responsive - Ready to meet custpmer needs

Effieient-improved service at a lower cost

Our employee are customer oriented and trained to ensure quality in our services.


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